Listen to the Podcast episode starring Jonathan Frakes and featuring Rich's book, "Golden Jubilee"!
Star Trek’s Jonathan Frakes plays Richard Golden's father, who may have been the victim of the biggest financial crime in human history, in this podcast episode of "Allegedly". Listen as Rich tells the story in episode two entitled: "Money Supply." This podcast episode is based off Richard Golden's book, "Golden Jubilee". Listen below!
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Golden Jubilee: The Federal Land Distribution Act and The Unexecuted Supreme Court Order
By Rich Golden
Roger F. Golden retired as Captain from the U.S. Navy after twenty-four years of service. He was a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School with honors and served as Secretary and General Counsel for three major corporations over twenty-six years.
This book is a dramatic story of the final decade of his life as legal counsel for a brokerage house in Chicago, which brought together the buy-sell transaction ushering the former Soviet Union into the world market currency system. Russia would deposit major gold reserves into HSBC out of Hong Kong as collateral. All the major banks of the world were involved. The deal was so large that the commission owed to the brokerage house was $1.7 trillion in 1989! The commission fees never reached their rightful destination.
This is the unbelievable revelation of the path of these commission fees and the major political and financial players involved in a massive cover-up.
All of this relates to current events, including an unexecuted Supreme Court order, quietly sealed away in the Supreme Court vault, awaiting its providential day of execution, along with a revolutionary plan to distribute the wealth of all federal- and state-owned lands to the American citizenry, without touching the land, fulfilling a personal, decades-old prophecy of Jubilee and how it will touch the lives of all Americans!
This is a true story you do not want to miss!

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This is an unbelievable revelation!
For the first time in American History, an Unexecuted Supreme Court Order lies sealed in the Supreme Court vault! The integrity of the High Court was compromised, leaving them powerless to see their own order executed! Golden Jubilee reveals the truth of the secret events inside the Supreme Court on Wednesday, October 7th 1992 and how they affect current events today and beyond!
This is a true story you do not want to miss!

Listen to the Author's Interview with ReaderHouse!
Chapter 2 Federal Lands Ownership
According to Wikipedia, federal lands are lands in the United States owned by the federal government. Who is the federal government? You and me, and all the citizens of the United States. We the people, of the people, for the people and by the people. They are held in public trust and managed by the federal government. Let me repeat, for the sake of the entire premise of this book. Federal lands are lands in the United States owned by the citizens of the United States. So, let us explore this concept in more detail. If federal lands are owned by the citizens of the United States, to what form of ownership does this statement refer? Other than taking a family vacation to Old Faithful, the National Seashore, or any number of federal parks from Alaska to Florida and all points in between, how exactly do the citizens own the federal land? The answer is: that is as far as their ownership goes. If the American citizens own it, should they not be able to grow their wealth in some way or sell and manage their assets in a tangible fashion if they choose? The following pages will describe a revolutionary plan to bring to life ownership of federal land by the American citizenry, while leaving these federal lands pristine, untouched, and unchanged in any way.
State and county lands also fall into the same category of ownership by the American citizenry. To get the full scope of this concept, take a step back and view everything included in the categories of federal, state and county held public lands. We are not just talking about the Denali National Park in Alaska. Of course, that is a major acreage of land owned by the American citizenry, but we are
also talking about all the military bases in the United States. Up and down the coastline of America, prime real estate was secured for military bases to protect our great nation. The land upon which these military bases are located are also owned by the American citizenry. The great prime oceanfront real estate of military bases and protected lands are owned by the American citizenry. The prime real estate upon which the federal buildings reside in Manhattan is owned by the American citizenry. The state and federal buildings all over our nation, are also owned by the American citizenry. State parks across every state of our great nation are some of the most prime pieces of real estate in the country. There is no federal entity, nor any state entity that is not fully constituted by the American citizenry.
Additionally, most American owned buildings on foreign land are owned by the American citizenry. Some buildings on foreign land are leased by American government entities, these are not owned by the American citizenry. However, to get the full scope of all lands and the buildings across the globe, those lands and buildings which fall into the category of federally owned are included in the formula by which the Jubilee Land Plan is calculated.
Like the multitude of individual pixels which make up the fine details of a photograph, every American citizen is equally represented in the ownership of land by the American citizenry, as millions of pixels put together to form a whole image. Consider the Jubilee Land Plan as similar to an oil well placed on top of a section of land. The oil well extracts the value from the land for the owner of that specific plot of land. The Jubilee Land Plan operates in a similar fashion; however, the land remains unchanged. The park rangers still maintain their job and their job responsibilities as before. The value is distributed to each American citizen in a matrix, much like the matrix used on Wall Street, which will be explained in more detail shortly. A plan of the people by
the people and for the people. No longer are these just words, but virtual value distributed equally to the American people, giving everyone a fresh start, which is Jubilee at its core.

Truth is a force beyond the control of mortal man.
Over the course of time, the destinies of men and women are determined based on the importance each attaches to an intangible, yet razor sharp veracity forming a constant thread amongst all people, known as Truth. The world is a place where, absent of anyone’s intended effect on it, Truth exists and is constant, absolute, and unchangeable. All people must, at some point in time, address their relationship with Truth- whether in this life, the next, or both.
Throughout history people with positions of power, on lease from time, have attempted to change Truth by causing it to conform to their own greed and lustful desires, not taking into consideration the day they would face Truth one-on-one and account for their actions. Attempting to change Truth is like building sandcastles at low tide. The image constructed exists momentarily for all to see, but the constant inevitability of the tide crashing on the shore crumbles the foundation of the facade and Truth retains its dominance. So it is with man’s attempt to alter and change the appearance of the course of events forming reality. Truth is a power residing in its own dimension outside the control of mortal man. Any attempts to harness and change the very nature of Truth are as feeble as an attempt to change the fundamental nature of water into fire or create darkness from light. Indeed, all things hidden in darkness shall be made manifest in the light. World leaders would try to bury the light in darkness to justify their own greed. But as darkness cannot harness the light, neither can deceit hold the Truth in bondage. For where the River of Truth flows, it brings forth liberty and freedom to the hearts and minds of men. Revealed in these pages is the single greatest act of theft in the history of mankind. Successfully pulled off by the highest level of political and financial leaders in this country, leaders who mortgaged their own eternal future for the short-term gain of money and power in the reality in which they live- Truth is a force beyond the control of mortal man.
March 10, 1995
Dear Mr. Gaus:
I have been unable to learn much about the “list of perpetrators.” However, I do have some information for you.
The list is being held closely by the Supreme Court, as they do not want it in the public domain and the Court staff has been warned to hold the information closely. There may be thirty-seven names on the list and it reaches into “high places.” Discussions on how to handle the indictments and/or arrests and the timing are being held between the Court and the Justice Department.

March 10, 1995
Dear Mr. Gaus:
I hear there has been no change of attitude since my FAX of Feb. 25, 1995,
Particularly, Rubin has tied his future to that of Greenspan: they will sink or swim together. It is still all or nothing for them.
Reference the Thursday meeting with the Supreme Court: I hear Rubin was told he will be arrested by warrant, charging him with one or more felonies, and he will go to federal prison if he does not immediately cease and desist from his activities flouting Supreme Court orders. I have been unable to identify the names on the list of offenders.
I hear at Treasury that Rubin and his top officers are fully knowledgeable about all of the actions regarding this case, and will stand or fall together. They all know they are defying Supreme Court orders and committing collusion and conspiracy, but they do not care. They believe indictments are probable, but “the Treasury Department never does anything wrong, and we always do what is best for the U.S. Banking community.” The details seem to be open knowledge on the “working level” at Treasury and they expect legal action, but the principals do not believe any action will be taken against them.
At the Fed, the members of the Board will not openly challenge Greenspan, although they may oppose him at their closed meetings. Greenspan's word is GOSPEL there; none of them will disobey his order, and any of them will act in his behalf.
I hear at GAO that all the top officials know all of the details, and have worked closely together on every action taken in this case, and have approved the actions of the Treasury Department, and Federal Reserve in retaining control of the funds. I hear they know of the Supreme Court Orders to release the funds, charges of collusion and conspiracy, and understand they may be accused of felonious activities in regard to Supreme Court Orders. But, like Rubin and Greenspan, believe nothing will happen to them. I hear they are working to delay audits and reports and turn in incomplete reports whenever they have the opportunity to impede the closure of this deal.
Greenspan is GOD to all these people with regard to banking activities, and no one at GAO, The Fed, Treasury, or any of the banks will act without his approval, and none will take action against him. I hear he has sworn you will never have the funds or any degree of control over any of “his” banks. I also hear he must be either indicted openly or removed from office, and the banking community must be aware of that removal before there can be success. Sealed or suppressed indictments seem to mean nothing to these people. The banks will continue to follow Greenspan's orders -- no wall can be built high enough to keep Greenspan from interfering. They may appear to follow Supreme Court orders by moving funds into your accounts and into your payee accounts, but they will not release the
funds until Greenspan approves or is removed. It is just unreasonable to them that senior officials of the Fed, the Treasury, the GAO, and Fed Bank officers will be prosecuted. I also hear that if indictments proceed, they intend to bring up a corollary to the “Rostenkowski Argument” which contended the Supreme Court should have no authority to intervene or to order actions against members of the Legislative branch of the Federal Government.
February 24, 1995
Dear Mr. Gaus:
Since Secretary Brady is in Reno, and we have a hard time contacting him, and I do not want to discuss this on the hotel line, I am taking the liberty of sending this to you.
I have been advised, by our usually reliable contacts, the banks involved were told on Wednesday to ignore the trusts and instructions and all court orders regarding them.
I understand while Chairman Greenspan was on Capitol Hill this week to talk about interest rates, he tried, on Wednesday, to strike a last-minute deal that he would not raise interest rates, but would release the tax funds if Congress and President Clinton would jointly demand the Supreme Court allow him to retain control of the World Bank funds and your funds. I hear he was told the Congress and the President have no authority to demand anything of the Supreme Court. I hear he then tried to make a deal with the Court that the funds for foreign governments would be released. The actual cash available to be released to you, but he and Secretary Rubin would remain in control of all the state trusts and the bank. Greenspan absolutely refuses to release control of those 1600 banks to you. And the thought of you selling 30-year mortgages at 6% is devastating. He and Secretary Rubin are determined to find a way to deny control of
those banks to you. I understand these items are the basis for the Court wanting to meet with the World Bank attorneys. I also hear while the Supreme Court was trying to broker a deal, they stand firmly committed to release of the funds to rightful owners.
My contact feels if the deal is not completed by Monday night, after all of the maneuvering of the last two weeks, it will take the actual physical arrest and arraignment of Greenspan before the Federal and State Banks will proceed with the Court orders. The banks do not want to release the funds until their boss, Greenspan, the Chairman of the Fed, approves the release or is removed from office. I also hear Senator Simon is terribly upset by this happening in Illinois banks, and about all the tax funds taken by the State and not applied to purposes benefiting the citizens of Illinois. He is afraid he will be caught up in the storm and he expects his reputation will be destroyed when the information becomes public.
Note: I removed the names of the sending party(s). I have the identity, etc., if publication becomes necessary. However, I will only reveal the “originator” of the information with the “supplier’s” permission.

Reader Testimonials
David R. from Dayton writes:
"Richard Golden I just finished your book. All I can say is WOW! This story needs to told to every American. It's an eye opener. Continue with your father's wishes. Best of luck my dear friend! God Bless!"
J McCrae from Georgia writes:
"Once I started reading Golden Jubilee, I could not put it down until I was finished! I would recommend this book to everyone!"